1.Close out your Dexis. Relauch Dexis. Plug camera in USB and turn it on
2.Watch the video, then follow below pictures and click the Red-circled icons to set up
If you have any problem to set up, call us at 1-800-257-6158 for help
For Dexis 9
Click the wrench icon
Click "DexImage" tab,choose "DY50 TWAIN32" in Twain-camera box
Bellow is how to use everyday. Open a patient record
Click Intraoral Camera icon, then click CAMERA icon below to launch video
Make sure camera is turned on. Press Capture button on camera to take pictures
Click "Done" button when finish. Click "Select" to select the pictures that you want. click "Done",Click "AutoNumber" to save into patient chart
For Dexis 10 and 11
Click "Digital Camera Acquisition",Choose "DY50 TWAIN32" in "Camera Type". Click OK
Below is how to use everyday. Open a patient record
Select a patient and open it
Make sure camera is turned on.Click "Camera" icon,NOT "intraoral camera" icon
Click FORK icon to launch the video. Press Capture button on camera to take pictures
Click "Done" button when finish. Click "Select" to select the pictures that you want. click "Done",Click "AutoNumber" to save into patient chart

1. I can see video. But the capture button doesn't work
A:In Dexis 9, click Camera icon, NOT intraoral camera icon,to launch video
In Dexis 10 and 11, click the USB fork icon, NOT the DOT icon, to launch video
2. My X-ray sensor use TWAIN. This camera use TWAIN also. They conflict
A: Set up this camera in another way. Go to to set up