I-Sensor H2/H1 Quick Setup
Follow below to quickly set up this i-Sensor to YOUR X-Ray software. You do not need to install other software.
1.Insert USB disk into computer.
2.Click I-Sensor TWAIN Driver to download and install it. You will get a "TWAIN2 Sensor 2.4(32-32)" driver.
3.Click your software name on below list to integrate into your software.
4.When launch the driver the first time, you will be asked "Whether to download the calibration file through the newwork",click "No". Then you will be asked "whether to manually import the calibration file", click "Yes". navigate to folder "Detector+PF644011T115230738X+CorrectFile" (For model H2) or Detector+PE644011T201231671X+CorrectFile(For model H1) on the USB disk, click "Select folder". You will see "import success". Click "OK"
5. Click the gear icon, If your X-Ray machine is portable, select DC. If mounted on wall, select AC. Check the voltage and current on your X-Ray machine, select the voltage and current that are close to your machine's. Click "Save". You will see "Modify success". If you see "Modify failure", close your X-Ray software. Unplug this sensor and plug in a different USB. Then launch your X-Ray software. Then click the gear icon again. If you need help, call our technical support 1-800-257-6158

CADI And ExaminPro
CarestreamSet up 2. After take several XRays. Open a template. Drag and drop the Xrays into template. Watch the video to see how to do it
CurveHeroNote: If you don't see TWAIN2 Sensor driver, call CurveHero to let them add TWAIN module
DentalEyefollow below to integrate
DentiRayfollow below to integrate
Dexis 10ONLY work with Dexis 10. DOES NOT work with Dexis 9
EaglesoftAttention: If you have our intraoral camera and use it with Eaglesoft, you need to set the camera to a video mode because both the camera and X-Ray sensor use TWAIN and you have to switch the two TWAINs back and forth. To set up the camera to video mode, please follow the instruction at https://www.daryoudental.com/eaglesoft If you have any issue, call our technical support 1-800-257-6158 for help.
Sidexis 4Launch Sidexis 4 . Open a patient record and follow below.
XVCaptureComing soon
25.XVLiteComing soon