If you cannot get live video feed from our camera in Windows 10, that means Windows 10 blocked the camera. To unblock it, do the bellow. At the left-bottom corner Windows search box, type in "Camera privacy settings", you will see an app "Camera privacy settings", Click it to run. Then turn on "Camera access for this device" and "Allow apps to access your camera" and "Allow Desktop Aps to access your camera". If you cannot turn on, ask your IT to do it. If your IT cannot do it, contact us
If the switches cannot turn on, at the left-bottom corner Windows search box, type in "Group Policy Editor", you will see an app "Group Policy Editor", run it.
Click Computer configuration->
Administrator template->
Windows component->
App privacy->Let Windows use camera
Click Policy Editing
Select “Enabled”
In default for all apps, select “Force Allow”
Click Apply, click OK
Run “Camera Privacy setting” to check if the THREE switches are ON. if They are not ON, restart computer